Great meeting on a usual Seattle area slightly wet day.
15 members attended with 2 roadsters and one 1953 Chevy wagon.
2 new roadster owners showed up driving their roadsters. Put us regular wimpy wet weather drivers to shame.
Andrew N. and his friend Ben in a very nice red 69 2000.
A family roadster that he recently refurbished.
Janelle F. with her long owned, past daily driver, silver 68 1600.
BIG Thanks to to both roadster owners for attending.
Long time roadster owner member John V drove his 30+ year owned 53 Chevy wagon with lots of patina. Note how he found the rusty correct year plate to match the rusty bumper.
Vice president and contact for the Greenwood car show, David N, reminded us to sign up on line for the show. This is the main show we attend as a club. The biggest car show in Seattle and our best annual opportunity to show the DATSUN Flag. We want to have
a BIG attendance. The show allocates a street block for us and we can accommodate at least 20 Datsuns. Saturday June 29. Join us.
Sign up at the link below, Enter NWDE for the club affiliation to park with us. Notify David N when you sign up.
Planning for the NWDE Start of Driving Season PARTY is underway. This the first of our 3 club social events. Hosted as usual by Dave F with help from member Jack K in Spokane. Date undetermined as of now but it will be early June. (I Know, past the start of driving season but the host is a busy man.) Details later.