
NWDE September Monthly Meeting. 9-2-23.

Beautiful weather and great turnout of 9 roadsters, 15 members and guests.

It is a busy August and September for NWDE members.

We reviewed members attendance at the Return to Renton car show,

the Cruise the Narrows car show and the SHEDD Datsun Roadster BBQ.

Don A and NWDE volunteered to prepare the Thursday and Friday night dinners at the SHEDD BBQ.

Attendance was large and very appreciative.

Contributions were generous and in excess of expenses so NWDE was able to make a donation to SHEDD.

Member Pat Collins passed away very unexpectedly about 2 weeks ago.

His friend, Gregg L, is organizing attendance at the September 10 Edmonds car show in memory of Pat.

The NWDE/DROPS Swap meet is on Sept 16. Don A is hosting and organizing.

The NWDE Fall BBQ hosted by the Dills is on Sept 23.

Please respond to the attendance and food email so we can know who is coming.

David N. gave an update on what NWDE is doing to help the Collins family in

organizing/documenting and distributing the repair projects that Pat was doing for NWDE members.

A big thanks to Dave F. for stepping up to lead this effort.

We discussed the possibility of NWDE members holding workshop weekends to help finish the projects.

Art summarized the status of the nearly finished Pete P.'s Roadster.

BIG thanks to Art and DEF for helping Pete to complete the roadster restoration.