June 3, 2023
NWDE meeting today. Saturday June 3.
Fantastic turnout today of 18 members, 12 roadsters and a 260Z.
Weather was perfect after many meeting Saturdays of poor weather.
David Niess reported that currently 14 Datsuns are registered for Greenwood and likely more.
Lachlan is the lead for the Return to Renton car show on July 9. He will email further details.
NWDE will attend the Cruise the Narrows care show again. Aug 5. Save the Date. Ted is the show lead.
Ted suggested we rotate the NWDE Facebook page cover photo to showcase our Datsuns. To be discussed further.
Check the photos for things strange and romantic.
Why is Curtis sorting thru my traveling hardware stores?
Whose hands are those with the BIG ring and what does that mean?